Learned Academies ACOLA convenes and is powered by its members, Australia's five Learned Academies. Members' Details New Report: Mapping Research Capability KONEKSI commissioned ACOLA, who, in partnership with the Australian Academy of the Humanities, provided a status update on Australia’s existing knowledge and capability with Indonesia. Report New Report: Research assessment Understanding how research assessment practices in organisations shape research careers and how they influence researchers’ choices and priorities. Project Details Parliament briefings Through a collaboration with the Australian Parliamentary Library, ACOLA brings discussions to the Parliament on emerging and critical issues led by Fellows of Australia's Learned Academies. Recording of Briefings policy advice We deliver policy advice to governments and the wider community to contribute to public debate. We also advocate to senior decision makers on issues of major national policy. Our Publications Our Process Our MembersMapping Research ReportProject: Research AssessmentParliamentary BriefingsOur Policy Advice
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